June 3, 2024, Samarkand. As part of the Hajj-2024 program, Samarkand International Airport served pilgrimage flights of Uzbekistan Airways, the national air carrier, on the Samarkand-Medina route.

On June 3, 984 pilgrims departed from Samarkand International Airport. A number of measures were taken to ensure a quick and comfortable service for passengers traveling to Medina. Baggage was accepted in advance through the check-in counters in the common hall, after which each passenger was individually issued a passport and agents accompanied them to boarding. Additional places for prayers were set aside in the terminal, and prayer rooms were ensured to have the necessary equipment and a special area was set up to provide food for all pilgrims. In addition, measures were taken to provide wheelchairs and escorts for passengers with low mobility.

In order to carry out the dispatch of flights to Medina, an operational headquarters was established, which included heads of functional areas and employees of "Air Marakanda" LLC, "Samarqand xalqaro aeroporti" LLC, "Uzbekistan Airways" JSC, representatives of the regional hokimiyat and Samarkand regional branch of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of government agencies at Samarkand airport.

In addition, representatives of city organizations (Sanitary and Epidemiological Services, Ambulance Service, Emergency Situations Ministry, Traffic Safety Department) were present on the territory of the terminal during the service of flights, and measures to ensure the protection of public order in the station square and seeing off persons were strengthened.

In just one day, Uzbekistan's national carrier performed four pilgrimage flights from Samarkand to Medina.

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